Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Surviving the economy by any means

So apparently there is this woman that has devised a “get rich quick scheme” that includes having a bunch of children. No I am not referring to the many single mothers across the country that continue to breed and depend on Temporary Assistance for Needy Families as a permanent source of income. Nadeya Suleman has a different plan.

The 33 year old mom of 14 (including the octuplets) plans on attaining some type of media-drive fame. For doing what you ask? Simply put, for having children. I do not mean to undervalue the birthing process, but what type of job is that? Besides the obvious, she plans on exploiting her children. But also, giving birth does not require any special skills. It is not a talent or an art that can be perfected.

Suleman is in the works with a publicists to schedule talk show appearances and interviews. The biggest one mentioned, Oprah. If Oprah does grant her request, then I will have one more reason to dislike her.